Monday 4 October 2010

It's not about faces today

I decided today was all about scrapbooking and making pages.  I nicked one of sister-in-law's photo's of my adorable  little niece and take her out of the photo completely and put her somewhere else.  This image was really great because she appeared to be focusing down.

I have loads of embellishments and backing papers ( all digital) gleaned from many different sources so I decided to create my own little fantasy place for a gorgeous little princesses.

So here is my gorgeous niece looking into a mysterious pond filled with fairy lights!

Sunday 3 October 2010

Err ummmm

I am trying really hard to get the blending looking a little more cheerful and bright(as in colour)  I am also thinking of offering  some painting face workshops in our area where people can come and have some fun, hopefully not just learning how to draw and paint faces, but how to create other things like scrapbooks, journals  etc.  Hopefully someone out there likes what I do.  In the meantime I am going to see if I can get a video uploaded.

 This is a big improvement on some of  faces I made right at the start of my journey

Saturday 2 October 2010

Circus RollerMan

I decided to step away from my faces and do a lightly different illustration, I've called this one Circus Roller man, and of course he is purely fantasy and a bit whimsical.

Friday 1 October 2010

More faces

I don't think I can stop painting faces, its taken ages for the penny to drop, but at last I can see some progress.   This was done using acrylics and finally the skin is starting to look more blended.      The background is a pre-printed, I am preparing a collage back ground for my next one.