Sunday, 26 June 2011

Digital painted folk art faces painted in Photoshop

As you know we have become gypsies living in a big American RV, so to say that space  and weight are big factors when thinking creatively is only just a slight exaggeration.  So really for me its become a necessity to find another way of getting my art out of my head.
if I have to be critical then I have to say the hair needs working on with this digital  collage.

I am still deeply inspired by  wonderful women like Kelly Rae Roberts, Willowing and of course Suzi Blu .

 Getting the shading right is crucial to the digital collaged face working
 fairy wings, I do so love them

 who says hair can't be other colours??
 oops! didn't mean for her lips to come out so massive

I have been searching the internet high and low for some digital face painting techniques for either Photoshop or Artrage, sadly they are so far and few between, Youtube has not been forthcoming, its almost like the perfect Photoshop digital folkart painting tutorials that I would love to be able to access are just not there.  Which of course leads me to wonder if people like my digital art, would they be prepared to pay for some lessons?  I am confident that the Photoshop Element users would not loose either.  If I can get enough interest in this then the videos I have already created would be available for downloading.

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