Wednesday, 26 January 2011

A Whole VIllage

A whole village hand painted and scanned.  These would be ideal for  your art journal or scrapbook.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Journal houses

I painted some houses on paper I had already prepared for one of my journals,  I just love how you can see the texture close up and the grungy look is soooooo nice.

Monday, 24 January 2011


As you can see I have been busy, I've been trying new faces and overall I am pleased with them, these are well and truly done!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Creating a digital stamp

How to create a digital stamp from an image

  1. Open an image with strong lines or shapes.
  2. Double click on your Background layer. Click on OK to convert it to Layer 0.
  3. Select Image, Adjustments, Brightness/Contrast. Adjust the sliders Brightness to the left and Contrast to the right, until you have kind of a sharp image.
  4. Now, select Image, Adjustments, Threshold. Your image will look black and white, move the slider that controls the Threshold to adjust it.
  5. From the Toolbox, select the Magic Wand and click on any white area of your image, that would select all the white. Now press the Delete key. Your image will keep the black with a transparent background.
  6. Select Image, Image Size… and resize your image to no more than 4 inches.
  7. Now it’s time to create a brush based on this image. Select Edit, Define Brush Preset..., give it a name and click OK.
  8. Remember to save your Brush by clicking the arrow that is pointing down next to your brush on the Toolbar. Then, click on the double arrows pointing to the right and choose Save Brushes.
  9. You can use this brush or digital stamp as many times as you need it.
Final result